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This is a chance to let someone know that you’re their biggest fan—and all the reasons why! Fill in the blanks with everything you admire and appreciate, whether those things are silly and sweet or heartfelt and sincere. When you’re done, you’ll find a completely personalized present that celebrates your incredible friendship.


Fun and thoughtful prompts include:


  • The moment I met you, I thought: __________. As I got to know you, I realized: __________.
  • When I look at you, I think, "DANG, _______________." ...because you've got a power that could set the world alight.
  • If I could, I'd relive the day we: __________. And I'll never forget the time we: __________.


About the Author

Danielle Leduc McQueen is a freelance writer known for her keen sense of humor and whimsical way with words. Danielle is from Victoria, Canada. She lives with her husband, James, their sons, Clifford and August, and a very fluffy cat named Coconut. In her spare time, Danielle enjoys exploring, adventuring, and going glamping.

Jessica Phoenix was born in Massachusetts to creative parents who didn't bat an eye when she decided to attend art school. After earning her BFA in illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design, she moved to Seattle to illustrate and design products for Compendium. There she's grown her love of color, hand lettering, and pattern design. She enjoys painting flowers, mixing cocktails, and hanging out with her silly husband and two cats.

You Are Something Spectacular: A Friendship Fill-In Gift Book

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